ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-800 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability in your school or community? How do you hope to demonstrate leadership in the future?

Senior 10

Leadership is a quality that is highly valued in many aspects of life, including in professional settings, personal relationships, and community involvement. A leader is someone who inspires others through their actions, thoughts, and words, and is willing to take on challenges, overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Through my example, I believe that I have shown how leadership can be a powerful force for change, and how it can help to create a positive impact on the community. 

I believe that cheerleading is a sport that is often overlooked as a demonstration of leadership. However, cheerleaders play a vital role in their teams and communities by inspiring, motivating, and encouraging others. Cheerleaders demonstrate leadership through their commitment to excellence. Cheerleading requires a great deal of practice, discipline, and hard work to master the skills and techniques necessary to perform at a high level. Cheerleaders must be dedicated to their sport, showing up for practice, following their coach’s instructions, and striving to improve their performance. This commitment to excellence extends beyond the cheerleading squad to our academic and personal lives, as cheerleaders often set high standards for themselves and work hard to achieve their goals. Additionally, cheerleaders can also demonstrate leadership through our involvement in the community. Our team often participates in community events, volunteer work, and charity fundraisers, using our skills and talents to make a positive impact on the community. My personal favorite example of this being the case, was being asked to help our 3rd grade cheer team create a homecoming routine, where I not only was able to use my talents to assist in the community, but I also was put in a coaching position where leadership and cooperation became such important qualities. By giving back to our community, I feel as though we can demonstrate our commitment to leadership and inspire others to make a difference in their own way.

This is just one of the many ways I feel as though I have had both the opportunity and experience of being a leader. I wholeheartedly intend to continue demonstrating leadership in the actions and decisions I make in the future. My aspirations include an entire career based around the ability to demonstrate effective leadership. Leaders have the ability to listen and communicate, a well needed couple of abilities in the field of law. Lawyers must be effective communicators, able to articulate complex legal concepts and arguments to clients, judges, and juries. They must also be skilled at listening to and understanding the needs and concerns of their clients, and developing strategies to help them achieve their goals. Through their communication skills, lawyers can inspire trust and confidence in their clients, build strong relationships with colleagues, and make meaningful impacts. In addition, lawyers demonstrate leadership through their ethical decision-making. Lawyers are held to high ethical standards, and must navigate complex legal and moral issues in their work. They must be committed to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and equality, and to protecting the rights of individuals and communities. Through their ethical decision-making, lawyers can inspire others to act with integrity and accountability.