ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-800 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability in your school or community? How do you hope to demonstrate leadership in the future?

Senior Leadership Scholarship Essay

I had the privilege of growing up in a low income immigrant family. I used to dream for a sense of justice and equality that seemed so out of reach. The struggles we faced due to our legal status left a burning impact on me. But as I reflect on these experiences, I realize how significantly they have shaped my character, career goals, and most importantly my values. The hardships that pained me so early on, now motivate me to create change. My aspiration to become a immigration non profit attorney is driven by my desire to help those who are marginalized and can’t afford an attorney.
From a young age, I was aware of the injustices in my community. I watched my parents work tirelessly in low wage jobs while facing discrimination and exploitation. We lived in fear of being separated which only emphasized our sense of powerlessness. It was during these times that I desperately wanted something to change. I longed for a community where my family could live without fear regardless of our background or documentation status. These experiences helped me realize that law would be the path where I could bring about the change I sought for. As I grew older, my desire to become a lawyer deepened. I saw how many people struggled with unmet needs for resources and legal representation. I knew I had the privilege of receiving an education, something my parents had sacrificed so much for, and I felt an obligation to use this privilege to help others. I believe that as an attorney I can serve as a voice for others, just as I hoped someone would have done for my family.
The experiences I’ve had growing up have shaped my ambition, but they also instilled values that continue to guide me today. One of the most important lessons I’ve learned is the value of service and community. Kansas City cries for a lending hand, and since I am older now and more capable I was able to found and run a non profit organization called Agape Love, “Agape” meaning the highest form of selfless love or the love of God. Through Agape Love, I have been able to feed and provide for the less fortunate in my community, addressing their immediate needs, offering prayer and connecting them with resources for recovery and shelters. And through this organization, I have been able to draw more people in to help others. The act of giving back and serving others is more than just a value, it is a tradition that I carry with me from my parents. Growing up, my parents always stressed the importance of helping others. They were selfless with everything, they gave others all they could, even when we had little to give ourselves. They taught me to prioritize others. This sense of selflessness, of putting others first, is a value that drives me every day. It’s the reason I started Agape Love, and it’s the reason I’m pursuing a career in law, where I can create lasting, impactful change. I strive to take the weight off of someone else’s shoulders. While I’m not yet an attorney, every step I take is one step closer to my goal. I know that being an attorney will provide me with the tools I need to fight and advocate for the rights of others. As I continue working towards my goals, I will remain grounded in the values of service, justice, and love. These principles and values will guide my work as a non profit attorney and every decision I make as I strive to make the world better for everyone. The hardships I experienced created someone who is not driven by personal ambition but instead by the love to serve others. With a higher education I will create change and “with god all things are possible” Matthew 19:26.