ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-800 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability in your school or community? How do you hope to demonstrate leadership in the future?
Senior Leadership Scholarship Essay
Being a leader in school has been a life-changing experience for me, shaping me into the confident woman I am today and preparing me for challenges I may face in the future. Through my journey of 2 years at my current school I have taken many leadership roles that allow me to have a positive impact on my peers, teammates, and school community. As I am entering my final months of high school and looking forward to college, I am fully convinced that I will demonstrate leadership and continue to be an influential leader.
One of the most significant leadership roles that I have taken on is being the team captain for my high school’s volleyball team. Being in this position has taught me how important communication, teamwork, and positivity are. As the team captain, I am responsible for motivating my teammates, making fast, strategic plays, helping them become the best player they can be, and creating a supportive, productive environment. I also have to lead by example and show a positive attitude and try my best in order to inspire my teammates and younger players to follow in my footsteps. This leadership role has not only made me a better leader on the court but in the classroom as well.
Other than my leadership role as a team captain I am also a part of student government, which also ties in with 20/20 Leadership. Being a part of student government allows me to voice my opinions and ideas for school activities. This experience has enhanced my public speaking skills as well as helped me gain more confidence, as I have voiced my ideas for spirit days, games, themes, fundraising events, and have even spoken at 3 school assemblies. This role has taught me the importance of creativity, listening to others, and teamwork to achieve common goals in order to make a fun, welcoming environment in this school.
I’m also in the National Honors Society. Being in the National Honors Society proves that I take leadership in the classroom because I do my work on time, I take charge and present first, I have a 4.0 cumulative GPA and I also am among the top 25 people in my class. Being a good student makes me practice accountability, time management, and responsibility. I practice all of these by doing my work diligently and not procrastinating, realizing when I’ve messed up and fixing it immediately, and working honestly.
In conclusion, having the opportunity to take on many leadership roles has shaped me into the person I am today. Through my roles of team captain, being part of student government, and becoming a part of the National Honors Society, I have practiced many valuable skills that I will use throughout college and the rest of my life. As I continue to grow and learn more valuable leadership skills, I will make sure to use them to the best of my ability and influence others to be leaders just as I was and still am.