ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?
For as long as I can remember, I knew that I was going to have at least one college degree, whether it’d be a degree in business, medicine, but having a BFA in Musical Theatre is my dream.or anything else that caught my eye. Having a degree means so much more than just a statement saying that I made it through college. To me, it is a badge of honour. It showcases the hard work and dedication to the craft that I’ve put my time, energy, and money into.
I am going to college for a BFA in Musical Theatre. With this specific degree, it looks a little different than a typical major, meaning it’s less paperwork and lectures. It is more like a training program. My time at University would be receiving intense 4-year training, rather than a 2 hour masterclass. My professors and teachers would get to know me, and my skill sets, in singing, dancing, and acting on a personal level. This will lead them to be able to support me in a way that is best fit for me and my education. They would also teach me about the entertainment industry and how to navigate my way through it. Having this degree would showcase where I trained, and it would show that I’ve been through training.
The individual training received for this degreeThis would better enable me to reach my goals because I want to be one of the notable alumni at whatever school I choose to decide to go. to. I want prospective musical theatre students, at that institution, to see what success stories come from the quality of education received there. Me, having a degree and being successful, will shine such a positive light on my alma mater and give hope to prospective students so that they can succeed too. More so, I want children that think that they don’t have to go to college to be an actor or actress and feel that it’s pointless to go, to see the benefit of having a college degree. I would also like to show people how beneficial college training can be for our field of entertainment. Intense college training that is specific to what you want to do sets you up for success.
I feel very strongly, and driven, about higher education because the media, and some of the pop culture today, tends to shine such a negative light on it, but if you go to the school that is just right for you, then nothing but good can come out of a degree. I personally believe that it will give me motivation to reach, achieve, succeed, and complete my goals because I have earned my “badge of honour”. By earning a college degree, I will be reaching a personal goal and moving forward in reaching my career goals. When I get my degree, I hope to inspire others to work towards getting a degree for themselves. I also hope that society will very soon realise how beneficial a college degree really is.