ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?

A car ride. This is one of the things I looked forward to the most growing up. It was essentially the only time I would get to spend quality time with my dad. He worked just about  all day every day in his masonry and sanitation jobs, making barely enough to support our family. He would go from one job straight to the other, losing the opportunity to see and spend time with his family. Sundays, the only day he took off, were the times I cherished the most as we got to talk and spend time together on our way to church. 

In those car rides, when we looked out the window, we would see many homeless individuals on our way to church, living under bridges, tents, and even plain grass or sidewalks. This sight was difficult to witness, having to see their living conditions and their struggle to make it day by day in tough situations. For instance, during the winter time, I vividly remember seeing a disabled homeless person trying to manage to get some rest by laying on the ground with only a thin blanket to cover him when the temperatures in Kansas City were at a record low. Having to withstand such insufferable conditions is something that no one should have to endure when living not just in Kansas City, but anywhere. 

When I look around Kansas City, I see a lack of resources provided for such individuals. I recognize that Kansas City has so much potential, and I can start by ensuring the people who reside here get equal opportunities. Having spent my entire life here, the people, culture, and experiences have shaped me into who I am today and have defined how I view my community. To me, I view community as a mixture of connection, support, and unity, each working hand in hand in order to better our own well-being. These values I discovered through my church, as it was my first “community.” We connected through faith and it provided a sense of unity. I believe that as a community, it’s important that each and every individual contributes to supporting one another, lending a helping hand, or whatever it takes in order to create a fruitful community for all.

 Individuals, especially immigrants like my parents, tend to fall into working low-paying, physically demanding jobs due to the inability to speak English and the lack of education, which many gave up to immigrate to the United States. Witnessing it through my dad, I discovered the need for immigrants to find better jobs is vital to them and their families. Therefore, after college, I want to join a non-profit that connects people with organizations, especially organizations that teach English and soft skills to enhance job capabilities. Through this organization, I would like to work with two vulnerable populations: immigrants and the homeless. My ultimate goal would be to give them a chance at a better life and future. 

Individuals are what make a community; hence, if we want to strengthen and enhance a community, we need to strengthen and enhance its individuals. I believe that uplifting people within a community can have a ripple effect, leading to and building a stronger community. All it requires is initiative, which I’m willing to take to begin its transformative journey. 

All in all, who would’ve known that a simple car ride could change a person, but that’s all it took for me to see my community for what it is and what it could be. My parents had the dream for a better life for themselves and their children. Now, it is my turn to take the wheel and lead others in the direction that will fulfill their potential.