ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?
To begin, there are various needs in my community but I feel that a specific need in my community that is one of the underlying causes for so much contention is definitely a strong role model who young children can look up to as I feel that a role model will subsequently dissipate a lot of issues in my community. As I have grown and seen my peers indulge in activities that have effectively ruined their lives. I have had people I consider friends commit tragic, and morally ambiguous things to people who would not normally deserve such actions brought against them. A strong friend/role model would solve so many issues such as a significant lack of generational wealth into my community. In my community, people struggle on a daily basis, with no car, no house, and no luxuries. I have seen my friends not wanting to stay home, so together we walked from south Kansas City to Grandview. A lot of my friends’ fathers have also been institutionalized as well which further stunts the accumulation of wealth as well as role models in my community. It is a cycle we are ascertaining we are released from. By creating active mentors in the community we can cultivate Kansas City culture and organize youth events alongside many other activities. We as a community need these things in order to help us strive for our future kids greatness. It is up to the current generation to provide a base for a prospering tree spiraling into heaven. In college, I plan to study biology specialising in orthopaedics with an overarching focus on becoming a physician-scientist. Basically, I want to do research on the fundamentals of bones and surgery whilst practising surgery to have a deeper understanding; come to think of it, I might be working with a biomedical engineer to facilitate this process. My goal is to take mostly medical classes whilst I’m in college and I have taken AP classes and dual credit classes to help me with that process. I would like to take classes of different medical disciplines so I can best attribute my skills and dedication to a topic I feel closest to and can potentially be revolutionized like “i.e neurology.” I plan to apply for the accelerated medical program at UMKC because I feel like this will be the best gateway for me as I am dedicated to medicine and genuinely as of right now not see a career outside of the sciences particularly when it pertains to medical science. I also do not want to take the MCAT but it depends. But I also plan to enroll in other accelerated medical programs as well potentially in California or in the east coast but, I am gunning for UMKC. My future education will definitely help me provide for my community as I will donate to charity in my community and support my local businesses. I also hope to be a role model for my community because people need to see it to believe it. They cannot visualise something they have never seen. So I will dedicate my life to helping others, especially my hometown because I feel like it’s my responsibility to help those that have helped me. It’s one of my virtues. Inherently also, the work i do will help my community as even though I would not be working in Kansas City for my career, if the world guides me, I believe that I will open up a partner physician hospital in the Kansas City metro area which would allow me to even better fulfill my mentorship, and role model obligations.