ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-600 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Reflecting on your participation in the 20/20 Leadership program, how have you grown as a leader? How will you use what you’ve learned in the future? What does “leaving a legacy” mean to you?
Alumni {sequence}
Being a part of the 20/20 Leadership program has been a great experience. It has helped shape my understanding of leadership and also helped me gain lots of valuable skills that I will be using in the future. This program has taught me how to make connections, never to be scared to tackle new opportunities, and to open up and ask questions. It has taught me time management and professional skills as well. I had to make sure I RSVP’d promptly. I had to also make sure I was dressed properly which led me to learn about what business casual outfits were. Nor could I be late or absent for any of the field trips. My time with 20/20 Leadership has been fun and a great learning opportunity. Participating in this program has been valuable, teaching me networking, and time management and taught me more professionalism. The program uplifted my confidence in jumping for opportunities and taking on leadership roles. I know this will benefit my college journey. These experiences I know will help my future academic and career success.
Even before high school and 20/20 Leadership, I feel like I have always been a leader. I am the eldest daughter coming from an immigrant family. I have always had to be a role model for my younger siblings. It has always been a lot to take in, especially when I was younger. It somehow always became my fault when my siblings did something wrong. It was easy to blame me when they did wrong because when they mess up, it’s “because their older sister isn’t showing them any better.” Taking on this leadership role as the big sister has shown me a lot about how my actions can influence others. While I can always give someone advice, it’s their choice to follow it. But it’s also important that you lead by example. I took the leadership role as the vice president of my class. As a student officer, I’m in charge of various things around the school with the seniors to organize events such as senior sunrise and sunset to help create an engaging spirit week.
I know over the years I’ll look back on this experience and miss it. I am grateful for the experience leadership 20/20 has brought me. It was the most I explored and learned about Missouri itself. As I mentioned before, leadership 20/20 has taught me a lot from time management to the way I dress, paying attention to little details, and staying on top of my game. Not only that but it also made me view new perspectives of other people. It’s always so fascinating to see how someone might agree with you but in different ways or even disagree.
Leaving a legacy behind means to leave a mark behind. To show my parents and my future kids how passion can drive someone. To show people no matter what background you come from it can still thrive. Leaving a legacy behind isn’t just about money or fame, it’s about an impact you can make on people.