ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-600 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Reflecting on your participation in the 20/20 Leadership program, how have you grown as a leader? How will you use what you’ve learned in the future? What does “leaving a legacy” mean to you?
Alumni {sequence}
My freshman year was when I became involved with 2020 leadership, my older sister was in the program and mentioned to me how helpful it was for her and the benefits. I had joined with some of my other friends, those friends since then stopping being involved in the program. Which was kind of upsetting for me because I could never really do things alone. I always felt like I needed someone to do things with me, being so dependent on people for anything. I tried to talk to other people and become more social. This program has had so many activities to help me become more independent and social . This might actually be a part of the reason that I feel like I have come out of my shell and begun to do things for myself. Going to the different program days and having people speak to us about things that I never then thought of has really prepared me. It’s weird to see how the little things can really help you in the real world. When I got my first job, I used those leadership skills, started talking to more people, worked hard, and even became a team lead, which came with a raise, which was nice and showed me these skills do pay off in different ways. After every school year, knowing I have a program to ask any questions about the reach-out whenever really makes me feel more comfortable. Being able to become comfortable in my next steps and have some peace knowing that it can be hard but can be done. I can say without a doubt in my mind that I do feel prepared for life for High School thanks to 2020 leadership. I think life will have a lot of obstacles for me, but in college I can use all of my skills to help me make friends, do good in school, and climb my career ladder till where I want to be, see myself in.
When it comes to leaving a legacy, I think that it can be done no matter where you are. It can be a big thing or a small thing; all legacies do matter and do make a difference to at least one person. What I have noticed is that a lot of people need help and a slight push to feel confident in themselves. Feeling confident that they can do it, I think I and my peers will succeed in whatever we do in life next; using what we have learned is what leaving a legacy will be. To be able to talk to others in 2020 leadership and show them it isn’t just another thing you did in high school. If you care and want it to help you, it will help you. There are so many skills that we all need to learn that we don’t even know we need. That’s what I think leaving a legacy is. I believe that everyone who was part of 2020 leadership, everyone who was part of it or is going to join, is going to be another part of the legacy.