ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-600 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Reflecting on your participation in the 20/20 Leadership program, how have you grown as a leader? How will you use what you’ve learned in the future? What does “leaving a legacy” mean to you?

Alumni F16

Throughout my life I was often shy about taking opportunities and letting myself grow due to the fear of rejection and failure, but that’s when 20/20 leadership helped me grow. 20/20 Leadership helped me grow not only as a leader but also as a person.
Before 20/20 Leadership, I was scared of being in group projects. The dread that I had to face with these group projects back in elementary and middle school was being pushed to the side because my groupmates underestimated me and bullied me for being “weak” for them. So the young me thought that only a selected few who were popular and charismatic would only have leadership skills. But that’s when 20/20 Leadership changed my whole perspective of the true meaning of leadership. When I first grouped with my class for the 20/20 Olympics last year it was scary, the lack of communication and the lack of teamwork was atrocious. But that’s when I and my peers stepped up and set everything in order so we could finally finish our project and present it to the other 20/20 Leadership members. Was it stressful? Yes. Was it worth it in the end? Absolutely. So that’s when I changed my perspective on leadership; which is that everyone and anyone can be a leader. You can be the shyest of the bunch and still can be a leader. Leadership is not something that can be earned, but something that we all have in our hearts no matter if it’s big or small. I will use this experience in the future by becoming a civil rights leader and helping America to abide by its promise which is freedom for all and not just a selected group of individuals. I feel like our generation will fix our country into something more beautiful than just a country, but united together and a family of people who just wants to see our country blossom.
Legacy to me means leaving something behind so that the newer generations will pick it up and make something more to it. My legacy that I wish to pass down is my perseverance and my growth; meaning I want the world to know who I am and to prove my points, my claims, and the facts about the truth. Leaving a Legacy means telling the truth to the newer generation that this world is just as cruel but can be something so beautiful if we can fix it together. This is important so that the newer generation won’t be blinded by hatred and to prevent time from repeating. 20/20 Leadership helps me with that legacy by giving me opportunities and connections that I will take advantage of in the future, for example, their college fairs. Their college fairs not only consist of colleges but careers also. It made me feel that I need to leave a legacy in 20/20 leadership so that the new 20/20 leadership members would follow my example, help with their communities and schools, and become a leader. Because becoming a leader is the first step towards a legacy.