ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-600 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Reflecting on your participation in the 20/20 Leadership program, how have you grown as a leader? How will you use what you’ve learned in the future? What does “leaving a legacy” mean to you?

Alumni F23

Flickerings of the paintbrush reveal glimmers of radiance, one paint color blends with another on top of the canvas. The gentle placings of paintbrushes feather details on the masterpiece as the rough guise of an unfinished product that only time can continue to cultivate. Art is subjective, most individuals can attest to their different tastes, yet art is inspirational. The brush of paint on canvas, the glaze that drips on fresh pottery, and the influence of one individual on another. Leadership is just another form of art. From each encouraging reassurance to each community service opportunity, there is art within each crevice. Art takes time to create, dedication to harden, and perfection is often unachievable. Leaders must be refined with experience, and 20/20 leadership has been my opportunity to do so. 


I began my leadership process with little regard for how to begin, being told that leaders are born. Born with the right attributes, born with a natural aura that dictates their nature. I found myself struggling as I could not discover how to change being born as a follower. Yet, the more I attempted to lead both in my community and for myself, I found that this is far from the truth. Leadership is the ability to guide those around you and create change for the future. There is no rule book to being a leader, no secret cheat code or natural born restriction. 


I began to engage in community service, became the captain of my softball team, and became the Vice-President of my grade level. I outreached my hands to find more opportunities to guide others, and there I found 20/20 leadership. This program began to connect me with other peers who had the same dedication, and as I met new faces and new networks, I began to understand leadership more. I found the field trips and presentations enlightening. There weren’t limitations to becoming important in my community and I was encouraged to grow with each day. 


The skills practiced by leaders are immeasurably critical and essential for a successful future as well. The hardworking attributes ingrained and the desire to improve those around me will be useful when I am a university student. Additionally, as a nurse it will strengthen my relationship and interactions with my patients. Leadership is an advantageous characteristic to maintain in a hospital as well and will help me continue to treat patients. The empathy gained in leadership and the various attributes practiced by leaders are beneficial both in my professional, personal, and intrapersonal relationships. It strengthens my resolve, improves how I interact with others, and allows for better opportunities in my future overall.


As I continue to improve my leadership, I will remember why leadership is an art. Leaders dedicate the time to create change, to “leave a legacy” in their communities. They inspire the change of struggling individuals and allow them the chance to become better, to create new generations of leaders. There is a cycle that repeats with the motivation and diligence of each leader, and as we continue to encourage this cycle, we can see the changes in our communities. In the beauty of art and leadership, masterpieces are created that can be appreciated beyond their years and that benefit others. With each passing moment, I hope that I can help those masterpieces grow as well whether big or small.