ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?

Gene Denton 13

     “If the Olive Trees knew the hands that planted them, Their Oil would become Tears.” A quote by a Palestinian poet named Mahmoud Darwish. My dad would always talk about the Olive trees. He would always say that the Olive Trees in Palestine are drought-resistant and can grow in poor-conditioned soil. That they represent strength, resilience, resistance, and fortitude. He would tell my three brothers and me to be as strong as the Olive Trees. To be able to stand our ground and have the ability to make out wrong from right. My dad had to leave his beloved Olive Trees. He had to let go of the roots and soil that held and cherished his memories. He watched their branches dance against the ocean breeze for the last time, and made his way to the United States. He still talks about his dream of going back and seeing the very branches that treasure his history.

      I grew up in an extremely low-income neighborhood where my dad would work day and night to provide food for us. Growing up my mom didn’t have American citizenship which made it very hard for her to get a secure job. This left us with my dad being our only source of income. A very vivid memory of mine was watching my dad come home after working all night. He would lay on the couch, lift his sore feet, and stare off into the ceiling hoping for an easier life. He came to the United States when he was seventeen to pursue his desire of becoming a dentist. His aspirations were cut short after my Grandfather stopped providing him with finances for college tuition. He was forced to let go of his dreams of becoming a dentist and turned to find another way to go on with life. I would sometimes blame my dad for letting go of college because my life could’ve been different or easier. I could’ve grown up in a safer neighborhood,  received a higher quality education, and had countless opportunities. But I was quick to realize that it was never his fault. 

     I’m grateful for every hardship that happened in my life. Each of them left me with a lesson to learn from. Growing up witnessing the struggles of providing for a big family made me more passionate about completing my education. I want to continue my dream and the dream my dad left of becoming a dentist. I want to be able to represent strength, resilience, resistance, and fortitude like the Olive Trees my dad used to talk about. With my degree I want to go back and join in bettering my home country. Back home, they struggle from the effects of war, not having the privilege to care for themselves. I want to assist them in having a beautiful smile in which they can radiate kindness and joy. In Islam, smiling is Sunnah. Sunnahs are common practices or habits that Prophet Mohammad had. All Arab countries follow these Sunnahs. I want to represent my way of life which is Islam and help my community with building happy smiles. Ever since the war children haven’t been able to receive proper education. An aim of mine is to donate as much money towards building new schools. The youth are the future, without education they will fail at making the world a better place. Giving them proper education will not only benefit them but it will also benefit the world. 

     Nonetheless, my parents have always been an inspiration to me. Their traits have had a significant impact on my life. They are my biggest role models, which motivates me into setting a better example for others in my community.