ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-800 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability in your school or community? How do you hope to demonstrate leadership in the future?

Senior 3

During my time in high school, there have been many cases where I have demonstrated leadership ability. Most notably, my fourth and final year was the most influential for me personally. I played soccer during my time, and I had been through a lot in the past and even thought about quitting at one point. But all my hard work got through to my teammates and coaches. At the beginning of the season, I was voted captain of the varsity soccer team. I was ecstatic. Never did I think at the beginning of high school that I would end up getting as far as I did. I understood the game and tactics more and was able to give advice to my teammates and lead the team. It felt good to have people rely on me, as it was something I had never experienced before. I played great, and we ended the season decently. We made many memories along the way that I’m sure I’ll never forget. I was able to see how the people before me had felt about all that responsibility. It helped me realize that I enjoyed that feeling and didn’t want it to end. That is only one example. Being a bilingual student helps a lot in everyday life and work. I can communicate with those like me and share my culture. But there have been times when there are new students who come to our school without actually speaking English. My mother struggled with the language when she first came here too. It was hard on her, and even though she understands it better now, it’s still not perfect. Knowing how difficult something like that is, I offer my help any time there is a new student who only speaks Spanish. I help explain instructions on assignments, translate for the teacher, or just show them around the school. I have always been happy to help because I know how difficult it is to be in a new and different environment. I have also been involved in projects such as harvesters that give food to those who need it. Even as a child I quickly realized that not everyone lived the same life. There are people that are less fortunate that actually need help. I was thankfully blessed and did not have as many struggles growing up but I can still sympathize with them. Throughout the future, I still plan on continuing these activities to be able to help my community. Even now we need to realize that we are not getting any younger. We are the next generation in line to lead and influence others. The world is still a very difficult and dangerous place and it is going to be our job to fix that. Sticking together as a community and working together should be our main objective. This way we are able to make the world a better place for not just our kids, but the many generations to come after we are long gone.