ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?
I have lived through loneliness and the feeling of being surrounded by people but still feeling invisible. The silence of not having anyone to turn to when you need them the most. For too long I was caught in the thought of believing I wasn’t worthy of support, of love, of anything that might make life feel bearable. I want to make sure no one else feels that way. I want to be the person who reaches out and tells others you are enough. You are worth so much more than what you think I believe education will give me the tools and knowledge I need to make that difference. Whether through a program or my future career. My studies will help me to understand the systems that create barriers for people in need and give me the skills to break them down. By pursuing my education I will be able to gain not only the professional knowledge but also the empathy to advocate for those who feel like they have no voice. I want to be a bridge between those who are struggling and be the help they need, showing them that their stories matter, that they are seen and that there is a community waiting for them.
After high school, I plan to pursue a college degree in the ultrasound workforce that will open doors for me in the medical field. This is a field where a college degree would increase my chances of landing a job. A college degree would also help me earn a higher salary than those without a degree. It would give me a headstart to others around me who also have the same career goal. On a personal level, I would be able to make a positive impact in the healthcare workforce and the oncology/ ultrasound field. I would focus on helping marginalized groups because I would be entering a field where there is not much representation of young Hispanic women like myself.
Being able to pursue a college degree in ultrasound will help me become the best version of myself that my mom has always dreamed of and one that I dream of becoming because of her. To have a degree in the health field as an ultrasound technician would not only be for her but also for me because I want to be a person who does not settle and makes the most of the opportunities given to me. I want to prove to myself that I can accomplish my dreams despite the challenges I have faced throughout my childhood. As for ultrasound specifically, I would be able to connect with women from a variety of backgrounds. This could include women who have also dealt with sexual assault.
My education in ultrasound will allow me to help fill the gap of healthcare workers who understand and can relate to the needs of my community. As a young Hispanic woman, I know that representation matters. I want to be part of a movement to diversify the healthcare workforce, especially in areas like maternal and pregnancy care. Many in my community feel like they’re not seen or heard by healthcare professionals and I want to be the person who changes that. By getting this degree, I’ll be able to provide care that is both professional and understanding, especially for Hispanic/Latinx individuals who often struggle to find providers who understand their struggles and needs. Even though I’m just one person, I hope my education will inspire others in my community and contribute to a more inclusive healthcare system. Being able to help people who’ve been in the same position I was in feeling alone and unsupported would mean everything to me.