ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?
“What do I think needs to be changed in our community”, you ask? What do I think will help impact our community in a beneficial way, and help make it a better place? Easy answer: helping the animals in our community feel safe and healthy. Ever since I was a child, I have always dreamed of working with animals, whether it being an animal rescuer, animal trainer, or a veterinarian, and as a final decision of what I wanted to do in college, I chose to become a veterinarian. I would see many countless strays around my neighborhood, striving to make it out alive in this cruel and merciless world. Maybe that’s a little dramatic, but you get the idea. Maybe I’m still just a little upset because I saw a kitten almost getting run over by a car one time when I was riding the bus to school. Like seriously, two seconds! You couldn’t wait two seconds for a literal baby kitten to cross the street! It just upsets me that humans are just willing to put themselves first over animals just because they think they’re different from them, and they can’t do things that we humans can do. That’s why, when I graduate high school, I want to go to college to study to become a veterinarian, so that fewer animals in our community will be sick or hurt from the horrible environment we live in.
As I said, the amount of stray animals in our community is something that I want to address. I want to address this issue in our community because as more strays are out and about, they are more at risk of sustaining injuries from us, the humans, like the example I had mentioned before when a person almost ran over a kitten, and possibly other animals. They are also open to a higher risk of diseases and possibly death based on their environment and lack of resources. For instance, strays might suffer from pneumonia or frostbite due to the low temperature of the environment. They might also suffer from ringworm and tapeworm infections due to their living conditions, and if they are not taken care of, they can even spread those diseases to humans and other animals. As a matter of fact, according to FOX 4 Channel News, there is a disease going around the area right now that is affecting dogs and humans in Kansas City. The disease is called leptospirosis, and it’s a bacterial infection that is spread through contaminated urine and water sources. The contaminated urine can also come from other animals such as raccoons and other rodents. If anyone obtained this disease, they would suffer from symptoms like fever, vomiting, jaundice, muscle stiffness, and stomach pain. Because of this disease, a lot of dogs had to be euthanized. In short, more stray animals in our community need to be contained, cared for, and put into homes, so that way they have a lower risk of injury, death, and disease.
As you can see, animals are really special to me, and I’ve always had a passion for them ever since I was a child. That is why when I go to college, I want to study to become a veterinarian. I chose to become a veterinarian as my career because not only will I achieve my dream of working with animals, but I will also be getting paid a good amount of money and obtaining experience doing so. Not only will my future career do me a favor, but it will also be doing our community a favor because when I start my future career, I am going to be doing my part in helping stray animals receive medical care and aid, so that way they will be able to feel well and function properly. I will also be one of the people doing my part in stopping and preventing future diseases from occurring or spreading. I will be doing my part in helping our community become a healthier place to live in. In other words, my future career will not only help the animals in our community, but it will also help the people in our community because I will be doing my part in helping animals receive medical attention, so that diseases will be prevented from occurring and spreading.
For the longest time, I have always believed that animals should be given the same care as we give each other. They should be looked after, cared for, be given love, and helped if they need it. In a way, if you think about it, they are not really that different from us; they think the way we do, and they feel the way we do, it’s just that they express it in a different way than us. They can feel love, they can suffer from mental illnesses, they can solve problems, and they can plan what they need to do for survival, and that is part of the reason why I want to be a veterinarian and work with animals. It has always been my passion ever since I was a child, and I would have a very rare opportunity to interact with them. If I was a veterinarian, I would be able to interact with them daily, and way more often than I do now. Plus, I would be serving my community because I would be working to have more animals get the medical attention they need, and less and less animals would suffer from disease. A lot more animals would hopefully be off of the streets, and adopted into good homes where they will be loved and cared for. This is why I want to be a veterinarian: to give this community a favor by saving strays and other animals from the streets, and help them receive medical attention, so that way they can live a healthier life.