ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?


A common statistic within the business world is that 50% of businesses fail within the first 5 years. This isn’t happening because 50% of business ideas are bad or 50% of inventions or innovations are bad. Many times these businesses fail because of misuse of finances and bad business decisions. I want to help these businesses in making these big decisions and guiding them in the right direction for success.
Lack of financial literacy is a problem that is far too common within our community. Many individuals and businesses go bankrupt due to this issue. Yet not a lot of people prioritize gaining knowledge of finances. That is where I would come in to ensure these people can continue to grow themselves and their businesses. I would help in guiding them to make these various financial decisions so they can continue to thrive.
When I was younger I collected Pokemon cards. Me and my friends would all pull our packs and every once in a while, one of us would pull something good. For some reason though I had a different feeling when one of my friends pulled a good card instead of me. When I would pull a good card I would be happy and then look at eBay listings to see if my card was worth anything. When my friends pulled a good card though, I would nerd out on the card making sure my friend would know everything about the card. I felt it was my responsibility to ensure my friend knew their card’s worth.
Over time my obsession with Pokemon faded with the responsibilities of life. I found enjoyment in a lot of things but found I get an uncommon sense of fulfillment when I help others. This concreted the idea that I wanted to help others in the future but I had yet to pick an industry. I jumped around career ideas eventually deciding on teaching going into high school. I knew I would get that fulfillment of helping others but in the back of my mind, it didn’t feel right for me. After switching to the business academy in my high school (which meant my classes would be more business-focused) and doing a summer internship at Sam’s Club through high school. I saw that with the wide spectrum the financial and business industry offer I could still help others. I could obsess again about making sure people knew what they had and what they were worth through financial literacy.
Eventually, after doing some research on available careers in the industry I found financial consulting where I could directly help people and businesses. With this job, you can make a name for yourself by helping others navigate the path to success.  Of course, to succeed in this career a sturdy knowledge of finance is necessary which led me to choose finance as my major. In the future, I want to make a name for myself by being a reputable, trustworthy consultant within my community that people can rely on to assist with business decisions. I won’t measure my success with numbers but rather the name I can create for myself by helping others.
I want to be remembered as someone who helped others, this career would help me achieve that goal. People throughout all stages of life need some level of guidance and I can be the person who gives that guidance on a financial level. Assisting people to grow their assets is a win-win situation and causes more economic growth within a community. Being a part of someone’s success is so much more rewarding and fulfilling than most know. In a world of people chasing their dreams, my dream is to help individuals reach them.