ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?
If I receive this scholarship, it will gratefully go towards everything I have been building up since elementary school, as someone in a family of seven who struggle to make ends meet. My parents always pushed me and my siblings to live a better life than they had back in Mexico. It puts me in their shoes unfortunately when at times, I have these opportunities given to me to live the life they wish I would still choose to act last minute. Me and my siblings are and will build a future where our parents can live without the stress and have them lay back on a nice vacation. My family would be incredibly proud that not only will this scholarship benefit me, but it is one less worry for my parents to balance money for everyday needs such as groceries and paying rent while saving up for college. I happen to be a twin who has plans to study culinary in college which would only challenge us financially. With hope to receive this scholarship, as it will introduce me to opportunities I can take outside of college. Wanting to study filmmaking and Photography, I’ll use my skills to one day become a director for big movies under big companies. Showing others that life is quite beautiful if you see it properly. I’m hoping to take these skills outside of my hometown. My parents, originally from Mexico decide to raise 5 kids here in Kansas to live the American life. To hope that we will get treated better than they were even while struggling to make money. We all currently still live under their roof looking for ways to make money. So I value and am grateful for what I have, I try to make the most of what I want to continue pursuing and soon with the right mind, I know absolutely nothing can stop me. I have many reasons why to keep pushing myself, for my family who I want to make proud and to finally ease the pain they’ve been carrying themselves, and my friends, who have been nothing but great supporters and have shown me that you’re not alone in this, my community who I will express and will express the pride I have for my people, and god because I was put into this world for a reason and he will guide me there along the way. For the longest time, I have always viewed money as the source of making anything possible. I value money just as much as I value my time. I have a strong belief that one day, as long as you love the thing you do and you put the effort to make something of it. Eventually, everything will go your way.