ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose an 800-1000 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe your most important leadership experience during high school. What did you learn? How has that inspired you to further your education?

KC Royals Charities Scholarship Essay

In the beginning of my senior year, during the production of one of our shows, it was a very stressful time. Emotions were high, and my academics were not going so great. Some of the challenges we faced were some of my cast members having panic attacks, high stress, and for some it was their very first show so they were scared and anxious. At the time I was going through a lot from my personal life with my mental and self image, school by trying to balance grades and turning in assignments, senior dues and just the overall weight of the real world starting to set in. I had a lot on my plate. Despite all of these I strived to keep morale up and served as a strong support system, helping to keep everyone level-headed and calm. More specific ways I helped were bringing them in for a one on one relating about how I was in the same scenario and how I got through it. Another was just sitting there and listening to them to really understand their mindset and let them vent to me. It worked for some people, not everyone can be helped the same way. A personal method I taught them was the Box Breathing technique, this is where you breathe in for four seconds and then hold your breath for the same amount, you breathe out for four and then hold for the same time after that you just repeat until your body has become less and your breathing slows down. This technique actually resets your nervous system and calms you down and has helped me so much throughout this year entirely.
Despite my efforts to be a source of strength for others, I wasn’t always in a position to give advice. There was a time when I struggled to navigate my own emotions and challenges, unsure of how to cope. I had to learn how to lean on others before I could be the person others leaned on. I actually didn’t trust people for a long time after having bad experiences but then I met my best friend who showed me it’s okay to let people into your life. They taught me that not every moment will be easy, but that’s a part of life and finding the best way to go about that can be a real big difference in the long run. This period was when most of my relationships strengthened due to the time we spent together and the love we all had for one another. They became my own support group, and I turned to them when times were tough. They are the main reason I’m getting through this year and I’m deeply thankful for everyone who has been there for me. Sometimes I reflect on who I would’ve been without their support, and truthfully, I wouldn’t change a single thing about it. I like who I’ve become, and I’m hopeful that I’ll continue to grow even more.
It is because of these moments that I’ve learned many valuable lessons, not only about myself but also about life. One of the most important lessons has been learning to see people for who they are deep down, not just who they appear to be. It can be easy to judge others on a surface level, but that’s something anyone can do. I believe that to truly see someone, you need to be vulnerable with them and take the time to get to know them whether that’s by sharing personal experiences or simply spending quality time together.
These experiences made a huge difference in how I view the world and how I approach my future aspirations. I want to give back and show my care by improving the world’s ecosystem and inspiring others to join. This growth also led me to pursue my goal of becoming a marine biologist to help our world and the sea creatures. This is my main goal in making it a more positive and loving world in the end. While marine biologists may not directly work with people, they do something even more powerful: they dedicate their lives to saving our oceans and the animals that inhabit them. They help clear waste ensuring that one step at a time, we can make a difference if we all chip in. More importantly they work on finding better solutions to stop all of the negative impacts. Like creating eco-friendly materials that don’t affect the animals and seeing how these changes cause good or bad outcomes for the lifeforms. Some examples are recycling to stop the pollution of our bad materials ending up in the ocean which can prevent animals from choking on said products. In addition even though using a paper straw may seem less harmful it still requires resources trees which is not preferable at all. Instead the creation of your own reusable and washable straw would be a more beneficial option, not only would it be a convenient usage but this would drastically lower the amount of harm being done to nature and animal life on land and in water.
In conclusion, my overall hopes and dreams are to help improve the world because I see a better future for humanity and all life forms that reside here. I plan to achieve this with the support of my friends, family, and those who are willing to help make this dream a reality. I believe that by doing so, I can become a better person and strengthen more than just bonds. I can deepen my connection to the world around me.



Scholarship Essay Evaluation