ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose an 800-1000 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe your most important leadership experience during high school. What did you learn? How has that inspired you to further your education?

KC Royals Charities Scholarship Essay

I have been fortunate enough to experience a variety of sports and play with a variety of people, as well as participate in other extracurricular activities. My experiences have allowed me the opportunity to see different qualities of leadership. I appreciated some leaders and learned from their guidance. Other leadership styles proved to be less effective for me. However, in each experience, I was able to gather something to hold on to. The most important leadership experience is a combination of things I have learned from both great and poor leadership. The first is to be true to yourself. The second is to be a team player. The third is to use those skills in every aspect of life.

I value the opportunities I have been given. Not all my experiences have been great. There were times that I felt the leadership provided to me and others was lacking. Which in return taught me how to focus on how to be different. I have learned what I am capable of and to believe in my potential even when those around me may not. I continue to push myself to my limits while maintaining boundaries. There is one experience where a teammate would correct other teammates by yelling, neglecting personal space, and pointing out negative actions instead of modeling and teaching. From that experience, I learned that positive reinforcement, providing examples and teaching are more effective.

I am glad to say that I’ve had more positive experiences with leadership than negative ones. The best experiences are with coaches/teachers who see each member as an individual and family. There is a level of trust that students and players need when participating in any game or project. If I feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or unworthy it is harder to put forth my best effort. Leaders in any form need to not only provide guidance but also some form of faith. I believe hard work is an example of great leadership.

Leadership’s definition according to “is the position or function of a leader, a person who guides or directs a group” or an act or instance of leading; guidance; directions” (, 2025). In simple terms, leadership is providing directions. However, for any student or player, leadership is more than guidance; it is understanding and encouragement. Leadership is being direct while influencing others. For example, I have been able to establish lasting relationships with multiple coaches and teammates due to the efforts and encouragement received. In my experiences, I have seen the foundation for great leadership. Not every experience leads to a winning team or high achievement. Some experiences lead to satisfaction, acknowledgment of effort, and the want to do better.

The first thing I have learned from my leadership experiences is to be true to yourself. When participating in a variety of different activities it is easy to get lost in the shuffle of fitting in or just getting lost in the goal. It’s harder to maintain yourself when the chaos around you doesn’t really seem to care. So how then do you maintain being true to yourself? For me, it is staying true to my beliefs and knowing the skills I have gained. It is understanding the difference in guidance and the limits and boundaries that I have. Yet, being open enough to take directives to help me improve in whatever aspect is being introduced. Being true to self is being able to take criticism and learn from it. Also, being able to know the good and bad and how to use both in positive ways.

The second thing I have learned from my leadership experience is to be a team player. I have learned that every person plays an important role. Specifically, in sports each player, parent, and coach contributes to the team in some way. Everyone and everything serves a purpose. In baseball there are nine players in on the field, some additional players in the dugout, at least two coaches, families, and the opposing team. Any one of these people could affect the game in some way; either through motivation, discouragement, or how the game is played. Even in individual sports or academics, multiple people contribute to the success or failure of one person. One additional encouragement can be the difference between success and failure, or a good or bad day. Teamwork is about making sure that everyone understands their value. Teamwork is about including and working together.

Lastly, I have learned that these skills are important in every aspect of life. I can use these skills on and off the field, at my job, at school, at church, and anywhere. I want to treat others like I would want to be treated. I think it’s important to be mindful of yourself, of others, and of others’ circumstances. These experiences have inspired me to want to continue to learn and use the skills I have developed. I have been inspired by many to model, teach, and to build relationships.