ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose an 800-1000 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe your most important leadership experience during high school. What did you learn? How has that inspired you to further your education?

KC Royals Charities Scholarship Essay

Although I gained extensive leadership experience during high school, the one opportunity that I hold dear and dedicate a great deal of my attention to is my role as band brass captain and trombone section leader.

Starting out in band class I wasn’t as committed as I am today and I only viewed it as a hobby I had a knack for. However, my opinion on band changed as I entered my sophomore year of high school and made the transition from flute to trombone. I had always wanted to play the trombone since middle school but due to our schools’ lack of funding for instruments and my natural talent for the flute, I had been stuck as a woodwind player. This was until my director allowed me to make the switch between instruments due to there only being one player in the section, an old friend of mine from middle school.

As a complete beginner to the instrument, I followed the lead of my friend closely. I watched him play, I copied his style, and I even asked him to teach me everything he knew at the time. My sophomore year flew by and by the end of it, I had remarkably improved as I was almost an equal to my partner.

Junior year was when I started to take band seriously as my skills improved and I expanded my musical knowledge by joining the jazz band. By this time the trombone section had become more of a partnership between us two players without a definitive leader. However, I still held some responsibilities as an upperclassman, including teaching newcomers how to march during band camp and running field show practice with a few students under my care. This was the year when I began to voice an interest in becoming the drum major for my senior year, I felt as if I was prepared to take on a greater responsibility and showed that through my dedication to the band. I appeared at every game and performance we had and was most often the only trombone to hold down the section due to my partners’ absences. I went into the next year prepared to lead and with great confidence in my abilities.

My senior year was when I was given my titles as brass captain and section leader, as my section grew from two players to six. This was the responsibility I was eager for and it did not bother me that I was not a drum major since my section needed a leader. During this year’s band camp, I was given the responsibility of teaching around a fifth of the newcomers the proper field and parade marching techniques. I had great pride in seeing my group of kids develop and grow confident in their abilities as the camp days passed. By the end of camp, my kids were fine marchers that I could truly appreciate as I was once in their position as a band beginner.

After camp, I was left with the duty of guiding my section as the year transitioned into concert band season. Teaching the freshman about slide positions and proper playing mechanics allowed me to utilize the knowledge I had gained from my partner years ago. Not so long ago I had been in their position and now I was the friend they needed to help them develop their talents and cheer them along as they grow up. This special bond that I hold with my underclassmen is what motivates me to be better and to be the best captain I can be for them. It is this passion I have for coaching that motivates my interest in college band and other similar opportunities. I have discovered a natural talent for leadership within myself and I find it fulfilling to be in a managerial position with students that trust in me to guide them towards success.

I am truly glad to have followed in the footsteps of the senior leaders before me both in and out of the band. One senior in particular, Ryan Richardson, served as a great role model and an inspiration for my interest in electrical engineering as a major in college. Former leaders have taught me the value of hard work and dedication to your craft and I wish to pass on these values through my teachings to the next generation of underclassmen. I also hope to learn from my leadership experiences just as much as my kids learn since I believe that you truly understand yourself and your abilities as you demonstrate leadership and pass on your knowledge to others. It is a crucial element of forming your aspirations and future plans as it allows you to know your potential for greatness which is necessary to be a successful leader for both yourself and your group.

Although my intended major is Engineering, my experience in band has given me the goal of picking up a minor and jazz studies alongside my definite, future spot in the marching band. The opportunity for leadership that the band has given me serves as a great learning experience for both me and my section, as I discover my passion for leadership and my section develops their talents in music. This experience has motivated me to take up leadership programs and to aspire for a managerial role in my future career.

I wish to continue serving as a role model and guidance figure in my future hobbies, endeavors, and career. I will use the skills I’ve gained from programs I’ve been in and positions I’ve held previously throughout my entire academic career and future ventures.