ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-800 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe how you have demonstrated leadership ability in your school or community? How do you hope to demonstrate leadership in the future?
Senior Leadership Scholarship Essay
Jonathan Ruiz
Feb 14, 2025
Senior Leadership Essay
In my school there are many things or in other words clubs you could join to have fun and make memories. Some offer scholarships and some people don’t know about them and some do. I try my best to join in on the fun of clubs when I have time. Deciding what I have time for and not. But when I do participate in a club I try my best to do as many things as I can before I leave and go home. For example as of right now i’m attending robotics when i have time, this year would be my second year of being in robotics. I’m mainly in it for the scholarship that it offers for participating two years in a row. When I’m there we have a student president that decides our plan for the upcoming competition, but sometimes I try to input my own ideas to advance more on our robot. Sorta of being the vice president.
I try my best to make the quickest but most efficient decisions that will positively affect my team when it comes to actually competing in a “FIRST Inspires” competition. I’m hoping I can take the role of leadership into architecture by leaving a team of designers. Designing one of a kind building or some sort of structure. If not, maybe becoming a mentor or any kind of leadership role that architecture has, in order to fulfill any goals that need to be done.
When group projects come up in some of my classes I’m not afraid to go up there and present with or without my group. I always feel nervous of course, everybody does. But I have this voice that tells me to just do it and not miss out. In the past I’ve seen others become leaders for everyone, which I could never do, too much for me. I would become a leader for those close to me, showing them that anything is possible. Giving advice to everyone if I can, telling them to become better and not doubting themselves. Just like I have to provide a good pathway for my sister, succeeding more than I could ever, making it less of a struggle for her.
My ability to push on forward no matter how hard it gets is what is going to make me better as a person and a leader. Taking accountability for the bad and the good I do, doing everything on time. Empowering others to do good in the world and to themselves. Consistently doing great or better than that no matter how many times I fail, support those who need it. Prioritizing myself to learn more to improve. And if architecture doesn’t work then I can’t quit, I’ll start to create my own business or company of remodeling, leading myself to success. Garthering people and hiring those who are willing to put actual effort in the work we do to be one of the top remodeling companys around the united states.