ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 500-600 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Reflecting on your participation in the 20/20 Leadership program, how have you grown as a leader? How will you use what you’ve learned in the future? What does “leaving a legacy” mean to you?
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As a leader, I have grown in several different ways, with that being mentally, physically, emotionally, and also verbally. I have grown in these ways by gaining more experience as I progress. I reflect and think critically about all my experiences that shaped me as a person and transformed me into a leader. I have grown mentally because I tend to consider more things when doing certain things. I keep an open mind. I make sure to think of everyone when it’s time to provide or when I distribute. I think critically. Physically, I have grown because I can be a leader and participate in more activities like sports. Even if I wasn’t the best at my flag football sport, I made sure to try my best and demonstrate grit which made me grow. I demonstrate proper body language. Emotionally, I have grown because I sympathize with people. I feel experiences that others experienced through my own emotions. And lastly, verbally, I’ve grown because I know how to talk to people and how to approach them in the best way possible to make them feel welcome. I practice words of affirmation. I use and will use all of these experiences in my future because that’s how I’ll continue building my future. As I aspire to be a nurse anesthetist, I will use these parts of myself and use them to improve myself and others. Seeing all of my peers throughout my life has only pushed me towards being a leader. I aspire to advocate for others and myself on even the littlest of things because a leader could always make the smallest wrongs, right. Of course, I am still growing in all the ways possible and am only improving from here because there are only leaders within me who know the route to pave.
Leaving a legacy means leaving an experience for someone else to continue. It’s like a time capsule in a picture, which then transforms into a box, and then into an actual capsule. It only gets larger and larger. It’s because each person leaves behind a legacy that not many think can be big, but to them it is a big milestone. Someone will try to pursue that and make it into something greater. I wish to leave the greatest legacy with all my morals, values, and personal ethics to someone who will utilize them for personal growth and leave greater legacies for future generations. I want to set an example that will exceed expectations far from reality and incorporate leaving a legacy behind with that. When I think of past generations leaving legacies, it always seemed something so public, intriguing, yet inspiring though I could never live up to it. Nowadays, I see personal legacies where they are intimate and solitary which is what I believe everyone achieves at least once in their life. Leaving a legacy is like leaving a chest of treasure. I could compare leaving a legacy to a recipe book, but the legacy is only made when you cook using it.