ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose a 600-700 word essay that addresses each of the following: Describe a need within your community. What do you plan to study after high school? How will your future education help you impact that need within your community?

Gene Denton 4

A need within my community is for an accessible resource for people who are struggling with mental health. I have seen many people around me and as well as myself struggle with mental health. Many of these people that are struggling with mental health feel like they are alone and have no one to talk to about these issues. That is how I felt while going through my mental health problems throughout the majority of my high school career. I felt alone and that no one was able or wanted to help me, which is why I felt alone. Especially coming from a Mexican household, they really don’t believe that mental health is a big deal. Which can make your feelings feel invalid and make you feel even worse. Around the time that I was really struggling, me and my dad were not in a good spot. We hardly talked to each other. There were occasions where we did talk, but it always ended with us arguing. This was around the time when we went online because of covid. With covid alone was hard, but even harder when I felt that I didn’t have my dads support. It seemed like I just annoyed him. I think this made me feel even worse because I felt like he didn’t care about me or how I was doing. He kind of made me feel like how I was feeling was invalid. I wished I had some resources that could have helped me get through how I was feeling, but I didn’t and it took me many years to start getting better. I am not the only one that has struggled with mental health and had no resources that could help them get better.

Thus, I would like to be able to help people with their mental well-being. I want to be that resource. I want to focus on helping children and teens see their bright future and lead a happy life. Mental health problems don’t just disappear overnight; it takes time and resources for the person to heal. Also, I believe that our mind is just as important as our body and from time to time our mind also faces struggles and we need help to heal. From personal experience, when I struggled with my mental health all alone, and to say the very least, it was not easy. That is why I want to be able to help people in my community overcome mental health struggles. Healthy and well-adjusted children will grow up to be healthy adults. The community will greatly benefit from that, where everyone is living up to their abilities and potential; as the saying goes a healthy mind is a healthy body.

From this you can probably tell that I want to study psychology. Ever since I started struggling with my mental health, I just wanted to help people that were going through mental health issues as well. Mental health issues can get in the way of doing daily things like, for example, hygiene. Mental health can be very draining to say the very least. It can have an effect on a person’s life. These effects being: relationships, motivations, and goals. With the right support and resources can help many people overcome these issues and can help these people live the long and happy life that they deserve to live. Mental health problems don’t just disappear overnight; they take time to recover. Helping people with mental health is the main reason that I want to study psychology, but also because I took a psychology class and I found it so interesting. I enjoyed going to class and learning about things like the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems.

Overall, I want to be able to support anyone who experiences mental health issues. The importance of mental health has grown significantly and is likely to do so in the future. I want individuals to live joyful lives free from mental health problems. Some people will always carry the scars of their mental health issues, but with the correct support, they can live happy lives and recover.