ESSAY PROMPT: Please compose an 800-1000 word essay that addresses each of the following questions: Describe your most important leadership experience during high school. What did you learn? How has that inspired you to further your education?

Royals 15

Before I had started my junior year of high school, I was eager to get involved in programs that helped me acquire skills that are highly sought after not only in everyday life, but in the professional world. These skills do include, but are not limited to networking, communicational skills, active listening skills, and Leadership. I obtained these skills by participating in programs such as 20/20 leadership which focused on communicational, networking, and leadership skills. Race Project KC which supported us to speak out about racial inequality not just in Kansas but around the nation. Since I’ve been in high school, I’ve always strived for excellence. I made sure I would achieve this by waking up and eating a healthy breakfast, then going to school and giving my direct attention to the teacher and working on assignments that would ultimately lead me to getting and obtaining good grades. I would like to major in biology because I feel it is the subject that I understand the most. After I acquire my Bachelors of Science at The University of Kansas (KU), then I will go on to earn my certification to become a biotechnician. The end goal of my educational career is to become an entry level biotechnologist. 

In the year of 2017, my mother passed from colon cancer. Even though she had beaten it the first time. I believe that this cancer has come back even stronger. There was a tumor that had become too large. Now since my mother was our (siblings) primary caretaker, we had to be admitted into the foster care system. After five years of being in this system I can safely say that if you can have another outlet of kin or family friends, please consider all of these options if they are available to house you. However since the foster care system offers special benefits to those who have been in it for a specific amount of time, I am going to take advantage of the benefits that it offers. While doing this, I saw that my identity has changed drastically because I took education to more of a serious degree. From being a student that did mediocre on assignments and in school in general. To a student that excels from his peers and is becoming more acknowledged by teachers, staff, and higher ups like the principal. There are sacrifices that you have to make but it will turn out to be well worth it in the end. I do have a vision that I intend to pursue and I have no intention to stop. I believe that my past vastly had an effect on my personality and on my ambition to succeed.  As the years passed I began to grow fond of the fact that I do not have a plan B, I do not have anyone to fall back onto. This is one of the reasons for me as to why it is so important to become successful.

During my junior year of high school, I was given the opportunity to become a student tutor for fellow students in need of academic assistance. This experience ended up being the most important leadership experience of my high school career, as it taught me valuable lessons about the importance of patience, empathy, and communication.

As a tutor, I was responsible for working one-on-one with students who were struggling in a particular subject, typically math or science. I quickly learned that each student had their own unique learning style and needed to be approached in a way that made sense to them. Some students responded well to visual aids or hands-on activities, while others preferred a more straightforward explanation of concepts. It was up to me as a tutor to figure out which method worked best for each individual student.

One of the most important things I learned as a tutor was the importance of patience. I had to remind myself that the student I was working with was likely feeling frustrated and discouraged, and it was my job to help them regain their confidence and motivation. This meant being patient as we worked through difficult problems, and not getting frustrated if they didn’t understand something right away.

In addition to patience, I also learned the importance of empathy. Many of the students I worked with were dealing with personal or family issues that made it difficult for them to focus on their schoolwork. It was important for me to be understanding of their struggles, and to create a safe and welcoming environment where they felt comfortable opening up to me. By showing empathy and understanding, I was able to build trust with my students and help them overcome their academic challenges.

Finally, tutoring taught me the importance of communication. As a tutor, I had to be able to explain complex concepts in a way that was understandable to someone who was struggling with the subject. This meant being able to break down difficult concepts into smaller, more manageable pieces, and using analogies or examples that the student could relate to. It also meant listening carefully to the student’s questions and concerns, and being able to answer them in a way that addressed their specific needs.

Overall, my experience as a student tutor taught me valuable lessons about leadership that have inspired me to further my education. I realized that being a leader means being patient, empathetic, and an effective communicator. These are all skills that are not only important in the academic world, but also in the professional world. As I prepare to continue my education in college and beyond, I will take these lessons with me and continue to develop my leadership skills. Whether it is as a tutor, mentor, or future professional, I know that the skills I learned as a tutor will help me make a positive impact on the lives of those around me.